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  • Bamboo Shoots

Pronounce it : bam-boo shoo-tz

As expected, these are the very young shoots of many types of bamboo. They must be thoroughly cooked before use because most will contain elements poisonous to human beings. Widely used throughout Asia, from Myanmar to Nepal and, of course, China.

Once cooked or canned, the flavour varies according to the variety used, but is generally very mild and undistinguished. Thus bamboo shoots are used mainly for texture and general interest, something common in Asian cuisines.


Canned bamboo shoots are commonly found in Asian supermarkets and in larger supermarkets.
Choose the best

There’s not much choice but for most Western uses, choose bamboo shoots in water or salted water, rather than in vinegar or anything else acidic.

Store it

Once the can is opened, treat as any other cooked vegetables and keep covered and chilled, when bamboo shoots will have a shelf life of well over a week.

Cook it

Bamboo shoots are best thought of as a bulking agent, used to add interest and texture to anything from stews and stir-fries to soups.

  • Barley

There are two types of barley available- pot barley and pearl barley. Pot barley is the more nutritious of the two but is less readily available and takes longer to cook. It is less refined than pearl, with only the outer husk removed, which also gives it a nuttier flavour. Pearl barley has all the husks removed and is then polished (pearled), resulting in a product that more resembles large grains of rice. Both types of barley are cheap and nutritious. 


All year around in the dry goods section of grocery shops and supermarkets. 

Choose the best

Choose your barley according to the dishes you wish to make. For soups, stews and slow-cooked dishes, both pot and pearl barley will work. However, you should use pearl barley in speedier dishes like risotto or salad. 

Prepare it

Pearl barley does not need to be soaked before use and will become tender during the cooking process. Pot barley is best when soaked overnight in cold water, then cooked in three parts liquid to one quantity of grain. 

Store it

Use within three months of purchase. 

Cook it

Pot or pearl barley can be used to bulk up soups and stews, or made into a salad for a substantial main meal, or it can be used in place of Arborio rice in risotto. Pearl barley cooks to al dente in boiling, salted water in around 25 minutes, or around 40 minutes at a low simmer.

  • Basil

Pronounce it : ba-zil

Most closely associated with Mediterranean cooking but also very prevalent in Asian food, the herb basil has a sweet, strong aroma and flavour. There are three main Mediterranean types: sweet, with large green leaves; Greek, with smaller leaves and a peppery undertone; and purple, whose dark leaves have a milder flavour.

Asian varieties include lemon basil, which has a citrus note and smaller leaves; Thai, like sweet basil, but stronger; and holy basil, spicy and intense, and unusual in that it's best when cooked, rather than raw.


All year round, but grows best during July and August. Save on packaging by buying a pot from your garden centre or supermarket - it will live quite happily on a sunny windowsill.

Choose the best

It's available freeze-dried, in sunflower oil or dried, but the best to use is fresh; either cut or potted.

Prepare it

Pick fresh basil leaves from their stalks and scatter whole, or roughly torn, over dishes.

Store it

Fresh cut basil should be wrapped in damp kitchen paper, placed in a perforated bag and stored in the fridge - it will last a day or two. Potted basil should be kept in a sunny but sheltered place (a windowsill is ideal) and watered regularly (but not too much, as that will dilute the flavour). As you pick leaves from it, more will grow, and the plant should last several months.

Cook it

Pounded in a pestle and mortar or food processer with garlic, pine nuts, parmesan and olive oil to make pesto; added to tomato-based pasta sauces; combined with sliced mozzarella and tomatoes drizzled with olive oil for a classic Caprese salad; chopped and beaten into softened butter, then melted over steaks, roast chicken, or crushed boiled new potatoes.


Try rocket or parsley.

Source :


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