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  • Sensor Soap Pump
Make washing your hands more hygienic and hassle-free with the Rechargeable Sensor Soap Pump. Motion sensor eliminates the need to touching anything for soap dispensation plus high-efficiency pump mechanism provides quick and precise dispensing. And a silicone valve to prevent drips and clogs. Sensor Pump Soap Dispenser has easy-to-use buttons to control how much soap or lotion to dispense, Clear soap chamber shows soap level at a glance, Wide opening with pop-off lid makes refills fast, easy and mess-free.

  • Wood Trivets

A trivet is an object placed between a serving dish or bowl, and a dining table, usually to protect the table from heat damage.

Trivet also refers to a tripod used to elevate pots from the coals of an open fire (the word trivet itself ultimately comes from Latin tripes meaning "tripod"). Metal trivets are often tripod-like structures with three legs to support the trivet horizontally in order to hold the dish or pot above the table surface. These are often included with modern non-electric pressure cookers. A trivet may often contain a receptacle for a candle that can be lit to keep food warm.

A three-legged design is optimal because it eliminates wobbling on uneven surfaces.
Modern trivets are made from metal, wood, ceramic, fabric, silicone or cork.

When roasting any meat in an oven, trivet racks - which typically fit into roasting pans - are often used to enable the meat joint to be held above the direct heat of the roasting pan and allow the juices of the joint to drip into the roasting pan for the subsequent making of gravy. A trivet can also be made of freshly cut carrot, celery and onion. This not only raises the meat, i.e. chicken, it has the further advantage of providing a gravy-friendly liquid when the vegetables and juices are sieved at the end of cooking.

  • Waffle Cone Maker

Nonstick waffle plates makes your sugar cones in about two minutes. It usually consists of two hinged metal plates, molded to create the honeycomb pattern found on waffles. The iron is heated and either batter is poured or dough is placed between the plates, which are then closed to bake the waffle.

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