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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Equipment & Utensils 21

Makassar, 31 October 2018 Cheese Knife Function : Specially for cut the cheese Material : Metal, plastic How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge. Crab Cracker Function : Crack the hard shells of crabs and lobsters by pulling the two handles together to access the flesh inside. Material : Stainless steel How to Clean : Wash with soap. Mandoline Function : Used for slicing and for cutting . Material : Plastick and Stainless steel How to Clean : Separated all part and wash with soap. Sources : Wikipedia

Daily Activity (Indonesian Version) 21

Makassar, 31 October 2018 Senang bertemu dengan Anda, hari ini kami membuat ukiran sayur dengan wortel, saya pikir itu tidak mudah, kan? sungguh saya membuang banyak waktu untuk membuatnya. ini pembelajaran, saya belum menjadi ahlinya untuk membuatnya. baiklah mari kita lihat banyak arti ukiran sayur dari negara lain di bumi ini. Asal-usul mengukir sayuran Jepang Jepang juga telah disebut sebagai akar seni pahat buah dan sayuran, yang disebut Mukimono dalam bahasa Jepang. Menurut buku "Hiasan Jepang, Seni Kuno Mukimono", oleh Yukiko dan Bob Haydok, asal muasal Mukimono dimulai pada zaman kuno ketika makanan disajikan pada tembikar tanah liat tanpa glasir. Piring-piring kasar ini ditutupi dengan daun sebelum makanan itu dilapisi. Koki artistik menyadari bahwa pemotongan atau pelipatan daun dengan cara berbeda menciptakan presentasi yang lebih menarik. Mukimono tidak menjadi populer sampai abad keenam belas, periode Edo, ketika Mukimono mendapatkan pengakuan resmi. Pad...

Daily Activity (English Version) 21

Makassar, 31 October 2018 Nice to see you, today we made vegetable carving with carrot, i think it's not easy right? truly i wasted many time to make it. this is learning, I have not become a masterpiece to made it. okay let's look many meaning of carving from another country in the earth. The origins of vegetable carving Japan Japan has also been referred to as the root of the art of fruit and vegetable carving, called Mukimono in Japanese. According to the book "Japanese Garnishes, The Ancient Art of Mukimono", by Yukiko and Bob Haydok, Mukimono's origins began in ancient times when food was served on unglazed clay pottery. These rough platters were covered with a leaf before the food was plated. Artistic chefs realized that the cutting or folding of the leaf in different ways created a more attractive presentation. Mukimono did not become popular until the sixteenth century, the Edo period, when Mukimono gained official recognition. At this time, street...

Equipment & Utensils 20

Makassar, 30 October 2018 Tamis Function : As a strainer, grater, or food mill Material : Metal or wood How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge. Tongs Function : To grip and lift objects Material : Stainless steel How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge. Kitchen Twine Function : For trussing roasts of meat or poultry. Material : Nilon How to Clean : - Sources : Wikipedia

Daily Activity (Indonesian Version) 20

Makassar, 30 October 2018 Apem, atau dikenal juga dengan nama Appam di negeri asalanya India, adalah penganan tradisional yang dibuat dari tepung beras yang didiamkan semalam dengan mencampurkan telur, santan, gula dan tape serta sedikit garam kemudian dibakar atau dikukus. Bentuknya mirip serabi namun lebih tebal. Menurut legenda, kue ini dibawa Ki Ageng Gribig yang merupakan keturunan Prabu Brawijaya kembali dari perjalanannya dari tanah suci. Ia membawa oleh-oleh 3 buah makanan dari sana. Namun karena terlalu sedikit, kue apem ini dibuat ulang oleh istrinya. Setelah jadi, kue-kue ini kemudian disebarkan kepada penduduk setempat. Pada penduduk yang berebutan mendapatkannya Ki Ageng Gribig meneriakkan kata “yaqowiyu” yang artinya “Tuhan berilah kekuatan.” Makanan ini kemudian dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai kue apem, yakni berasal dari saduran bahasa arab “affan” yang bermakna ampunan. Tujuannya adalah agar masyarakat juga terdorong selalu memohon ampunan kepada Sang Pencipta. ...

Daily Activity (English Version) 20

Makassar, 30 October 2018 Apem, also known as Appam in the country of origin of India, is a traditional snack made from rice flour which is left overnight by mixing eggs, coconut milk, sugar and tape and a little salt then burned or steamed. The shape is similar to pancake but thicker. According to legend, this cake was brought by Ki Ageng Gribig who is a descendant of Prabu Brawijaya back from his journey from the holy land. He brought 3 souvenirs from there. But because it's too little, the apem cake is made by his wife. After being made, the cakes are then distributed to the locals people. In the population scrambling to get it Ki Ageng Gribig shouted the word "yaqowiyu" which means "God give strength." This food is then known by the public as apem cake, which comes from an Arabic adaptation "affan" which means forgiveness. The aim is that the community is also encouraged to always ask forgiveness to the Creator. Gradually the habit of...

Equipment & Utensils 19

Makassar, 29 October 2018 Mezzaluna Function : To finely and consistently chop/mincefoods, especially herbs. Material : Metal or stainless stell How to Clean : Wash with soap used sponge. Oven Mitt Function : Protect the wearer's hand from hot objects such as ovens, stoves, cookware, etc.. Material : Nilon How to Clean : If has dirty washing with soap and dried. Pizza Cutter Function : The most common uses a wheel that rotates in a circle while a person moves the cutter in a direction that they would like to cut the pizza Material : Stainless steel How to Clean : Washing with soap. Sources : Wikipedia

Daily Activity (Indonesian Version) 19

Makassar, 29 October 2018 Oke genk, kembali lagi dan senang bertemu dengan Anda, hari ini kami siap membuat tapai atau tape lagi. karena tape di minggu lalu itu tidak sempurna, jadi kami mencoba lagi dan berharap kali ini tidak gagal. untuk informasi buat Anda, tape memiliki beberapa hal yang menarik, tape memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi tubuh manusia, seperti : Berisi probiotik yang dapat membantu pencernaan dalam tubuh. Dapat mengikat dan menghilangkan Aflatoxin (racun) dari tubuh. Dapat mencegah anemia karena mengandung Vitamin B12. Berisi komponen bioaktif yang bertindak sebagai antioksidan untuk menangkal radikal bebas. Berisi Vit B1 (Tiamina) yang dibutuhkan oleh sistem saraf, sel otot, dan pencernaan. Dikonsumsi dalam waktu lama (dalam dosis tertentu), dapat mencegah stroke dan serangan jantung. Mengandung antioksidan yang berguna untuk pencegahan kanker, penuaan dini, dan berbagai penyakit degeneratif. Mengkonsumsi tape Ketan Hitam dapat menyebabkan rasa hangat di tu...

Daily Activity (English Version) 19

Makassar, 29 October 2018 Okay genk, back again and nice to see you, today we ready to make tapai or tape again. because tape in last week it's not perfect, so we try agian and hope this time it's not fail. for you information, tape have some interesting thing, tape have some benefits for human body, like : Contains probiotics which can help digestion in the body.   Can bind and remove Aflatoxin (poisons) from the body.   Can prevent anemia because it contains Vitamin B12.   Contains bioactive components that act as antioxidants to ward off free radicals.   Contains Vit B1 (Tiamina) which is needed by the nervous system, muscle cells, and digestion.   Consumed for a long time (in certain doses), can prevent strokes and heart attacks.   Contains antioxidants that are useful for the prevention of cancer, premature aging, and various degenerative diseases.   Consuming Black Glutinous Tape can cause a feeling of warmth. let's see how to make...

Visit Local Market 9

Makassar, 26 October 2018 AS Kitchen is an offline kitchen equipment shop in Makassar. As Kitchen is here to provide convenience for customers to buy kitchen utensils everyday. At As Kitchen, you can also search for various types of products with various types of brands. You can choose to get your kitchen items. You can get goods directly by visiting As Kitchen. You can see items directly from our store and immediately get your dream kitchen item. For those of you who are busy with work routines, you can order and get your dream kitchen item online. Okay, this is price for some Stuff like plate and bowl in As Kitchen : NO ITEM NAME PRICE 1. Soup bowl 10” coupe Rp.25.000.00,- 2. Cereal bowl 17.2 cm Rp.10.500.00,- 3. Fruit bowl 5.5” Rp.8.500.00,- 4. Bowl 9” Rp.17.500.00,- 5. Rim dessert plate 8” Rp.8.500.00,- 6. Rim meat plate 9” D ...

Ingredients 10

Makassar, 26 October 2018 Foie Gras Pronounce it: fwah-grah One of the world's great luxury foods, foie gras (literally, 'fattened liver') is the liver of either duck or goose. Goose, which is considered to be more flavourful and to have the finer texture, is the more expensive. The method used in the production for foie gras from either bird is highly controversial, and involves force feeding them in order that their livers fatten up to the required weight (in the EU, this is 300g - a normal, unfattened liver weighs around 50g). Banned in the UK, foie gras production is most associated with Gascony, in south west France, but Hungary is also a big producer. Despite the controversy surrounding foie gras, its creamy, silky texture and unique flavour, quite unlike any other liver, means that it remains a sought-after ingredient. It can be bought whole and raw (known as lobes), semi-cooked (micuit) or cooked in paté, block or mousse. Choose the best Look for ...