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Makassar, 9 Februari 2018

Halo guys, jumpa lagi. kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang ingredient, oke langsung saja :

  • Coconut

Pronounce it : koe-koe-nut

A large hairy, brown nut that grows on the coconut tree, found throughout the world's tropical islands and countries. The coconut tree is known as the 'Tree of Life' given its usefulness: its wood is used for furniture and building, its branches make great thatched roofs, and its nuts for eating and drinking.

Inside the nut is white flesh which is used in both sweet and savoury dishes. The creamy milk commonly used in curry sauces and rice dishes does not actually come from the milky liquid in the centre of the nut, instead coming from the coconut milk and cream squeezed from the flesh.

Choose the best

Look for coconuts that are heavy for their size. To check for freshness, shake the nut - the more liquid you can hear the fresher the coconut.

Prepare it

If using a whole coconut, strip off the hairy bits, put the coconut into the oven at 180C for 15 minutes to shrink the shell, then punch a whole in the soft 'eyes' and drain out the liquid. Using a heavy cleaver, carefully crack the coconut into pieces and prise the flesh away from the skin with a small, sharp knife to remove the flesh.

To use the flesh for cooking, shred it with a coarse grater and store in the fridge for 1-2 days.

Store it

Chunks of fresh coconut stay fresh in the fridge for several days if stored in water which is changed daily.

Store desiccated and shredded coconut in an airtight container and keep in a cool, dry cupboard.

  • Beetroot

Pronounce it : beat-root

A favourite in 1970's British salads (served cooked and pickled in vinegar), beetroot is a root vegetable with dark, purple skin and pink/purple flesh. It has also enjoyed something of a deserved comeback in recent years, its earthy, rich and sweet flavour and vibrant colour lends itself to a variety of both sweet and savoury dishes.

Beetroot is a close relative of spinach and chard and has an earthy flavour and a good nutritional content - it's also reckoned to be a good detoxifier.


July through to January, tapering off during February and March. You can try growing in your garden or allotment - it's generally trouble-free. Read more about growing beetroot at Garden Action.

Choose the best

Raw beetroot should have their stalks (fresh, not wilting) and roots (nice and firm) intact.

Prepare it

To cook whole, wash but don't peel, then cut the stalks to 2.5cm and leave the root at the bottom; if either are trimmed too much, the beetroot's colour will bleed. Then, bake in a low oven, either wrapped in foil or in a little water in a lidded casserole dish. It should be ready in 2-3 hours. For boiling, prepare it in the same way, then simmer for around an hour.

Store it

Fresh, they'll keep for several weeks in a cool, dark place.

Cook it

Roast, chop and dress with walnut oil and chives. Bake in olive oil and cumin seeds, then dot with feta and bake again. Boil the beetroots for a few minutes, drain and serve with olive oil or butter. Juice raw beetroot, and mix half and half with carrot juice for a vitamin-rich drink.


I like to make this ingredients for garnish on plate, i can see more colour in a plate if i use this ingredients, i say it's beautifull.

  • Banana

Pronounce it : bah-nah-nah

Probably the best known, most popular tropical fruit, their name probably derives from the Arabic for finger, 'banan'.

There are a number of varieties, inluding red bananas (which have a yellow-pink skin and flesh) and the small sugar bananas, which are around 3 inches long. But the most commonly sold type in the UK is Cavendish - the longer ones tend to come from Latin America, as they pick them later, and the smaller ones from the Caribbean, where they pick earlier.

All bananas are extremely nutritious; rich in potassium, riboflavin, niacin and fibre, and the rapid energy boost given by their high sugar levels means that they're a great snack.


All year round.

Choose the best

To eat straight away, go for bananas with very small patches of black on the skin - that means they're ripe. Otherwise, choose yellow with 'green tinged ends' they can be ripened at room temperature. Bananas that are green all over are unripe, and can't be eaten.

Prepare it

Just peel and slice or mash.

Store it

In a fruit bowl. Putting bananas in the fridge will make the skins go black and everything else in the fridge smell of banana.

Cook it

Mashed and used to make banana bread or served with single cream and sugar. Pureed for smoothies.

Baked for 20 minutes in foil with the juice of half a lemon, a little butter, a couple of tablespoons of muscovado sugar and a splash of rum or cognac.

Barbecued for 10 minutes (make a small slit in the skin first) then split open and served with cream.

Peeled, halved, brushed with lemon juice, sprinkled with sugar and grilled until soft, then served with gammon or fish.


Try plantain.

Source :


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